Business Law
Business Law News 2014, ISSUE 3
- Bln Editorial Board: Message from the Editor
- Business Law News Editoral Team
- Business Law News Table of Contents
- Business Law Section Executive Committee Members 2014-2015
- Executive Benefits Ins. Agency v. Arkison (In re Bellingham Ins. Agency, Inc.): United States Supreme Court Defines the Statutory Boundaries of Article I Bankruptcy Judges after Stern v. Marshall
- Executive Committee: Message from the Chair
- Executive Committee of the Business Law Section 2013-2014
- Ponzi Schemes and Poker-Is Recovering Gambling Losses a Winning Hand?
- Standing Committee Officer Appointments
- Standing Committee Officers of the Business Law Section 2013-2014
- Test Your Knowledge: Recent Developments in Insolvency Law
- Troubled Waters: Navigating the Tax Issues of Llcs with Bridge Debt
- The Interest Tail Wags the Profit Dog
The Interest Tail Wags the Profit Dog
David Cook
David J. Cook is the senior attorney for Cook Collection Attorneys PLC. and specializes in the enforcement of judgments and collection of debts. Mr. Cook has been practicing in this area for the past 38 years. Clients frequently consult with Mr. Cook over the terms of a settlement agreement in light of the risk of default, insolvency and potential enforcement. He is pleased to announce the publication of The Debt Collector’s Handbook: Collecting Debts, Finding Assets, Enforcing Judgments, and Beating Your Creditors [American Bar Association, June, 2014].
Cabaret taught us that
Hamlet advised