Business Law
Business Law News 2014, ISSUE 3
- Bln Editorial Board: Message from the Editor
- Business Law News Editoral Team
- Business Law News Table of Contents
- Business Law Section Executive Committee Members 2014-2015
- Executive Benefits Ins. Agency v. Arkison (In re Bellingham Ins. Agency, Inc.): United States Supreme Court Defines the Statutory Boundaries of Article I Bankruptcy Judges after Stern v. Marshall
- Executive Committee of the Business Law Section 2013-2014
- Ponzi Schemes and Poker-Is Recovering Gambling Losses a Winning Hand?
- Standing Committee Officer Appointments
- Standing Committee Officers of the Business Law Section 2013-2014
- Test Your Knowledge: Recent Developments in Insolvency Law
- The Interest Tail Wags the Profit Dog
- Troubled Waters: Navigating the Tax Issues of Llcs with Bridge Debt
- Executive Committee: Message from the Chair
Executive Committee: Message from the Chair
Charles E. McKee
The State Bar year is coming to a close, and with it my term as the Chair comes to an end. It has been a privilege and an honor to serve as the Chair of the Business Law Section. I have been blessed with so many hardworking and talented people serving on the Section’s Standing Committees and the Executive Committee who have accomplished so much during the year. What have we done this year? Well, I’m glad you asked.
After several years’ gestation, we now have a brand new Standing Committee: the Business Litigation Committee, which is aimed at serving the needs of attorneys who litigate business-related issues. Congratulations to those whose efforts turned this dream into a reality! We wish this committee future success.
The Business Law News, which you are reading, published five outstanding issues this year, and changed its format with an exciting, brand new design. At the beginning of the year, we updated the design of the E-Bulletins to have a fresher yet still professional look. Meanwhile, the Standing Committees have been producing an ever greater number of E-Bulletins, providing their constituents with timely information about the latest cases and regulations to come down, and other useful information for practitioners. By the end of the year, we hope to reach the 400 mark for E-Bulletins. If you are not receiving any, go to your State Bar account and sign up.