July District Updates
Central District of California
Covid-19 Update: All divisions of the Central District of California resumed normal operations on June 15, 2021. Hearings by video or telephonic conference may continue to be held in civil matters at the discretion of the assigned judge. Persons entering the courthouses must follow the CDC’s most recent guidance regarding face coverings or masks, though individual district judges have discretion to require the wearing of masks in their courtrooms. (See Gen. Order 21-08.)
Southern District of California
Covid-19 Update: The Southern District of California has resumed normal operations. Previous limitations on the scope of jury were lifted on July 6, 2021. (See CJO 36-C) Most other proceedings typically can proceed by telephone or videoconference. (See CJO 63-C). Face coverings are required for visitors that are nor fully vaccinated. (See CJO 59-A.)
Criminal Justice Act Defense Panel Application: The Court is accepting applications for admission to the CJA Criminal Defense Panel and the CJA Material Witness Defense Panel. (Notice and Notice.) Completed applications must be submitted between July 19, 2021 and October 18, 2021.
Pro Bono Panel: The Court is currently soliciting applications for new law firms and attorneys to serve on its Pro Bono Panel. (Notice.)
Northern District of California
Covid-19 Update: Effective June 23, 2021, at each Northern District of California courthouse, jurors, attorneys, court staff, and other authorized courthouse visitors who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 are no longer required to wear masks or face coverings in common areas of the courthouse. Effective July 1, 2021, all members of the public may enter courthouse property, and may observe in-courtroom proceedings subject to the assigned judge’s safety protocols and courtroom capacity limitations. A list of upcoming hearings to be held by videoconference is available at
Eastern District of California
Covid-19 Update: All federal courthouses in the Eastern District of California remain open to the public (Notice). Face coverings and physical distancing are still required in public areas of the courthouse. Judges shall determine whether to hold proceedings in person or by telephone or videoconference. Jury trials are resuming for both criminal and civil cases. Other civil proceedings are primarily being held by telephone or videoconference.
NextGen Upgrade: On Tuesday, July 6, 2021, the court went live on the Next Generation of CM/ECF (NextGen), the latest version of the Federal Judiciary’s case management and electronic case filing system.