District Updates: January 2022
U.S. Supreme Court – October Term 2021 Cases Argued to Date
This chart summarizes the cases on the Supreme Court’s docket for October Term 2021 that were heard in 2021, organized by oral argument date. Eight arguments were heard in October, thirteen in November, and six in December. Two opinions were published by the Court on December 10, 2021. A majority of the cases were civil cases, though the Court also heard a few criminal cases and an immigration case. The links to the case dockets are linked below and can be found on the Supreme Court website at: This chart will be updated in our next quarterly report to include cases heard in that quarter and updates on the Court’s opinions.
Spotlight on Civility in the Profession
Last September, the California Civility Taskforce, a joint project of the California Lawyers Association (CLA) and the California Judges Association (CJA), issued a report decrying increased incivility in the legal profession and setting forth four proposals for improving civility among California lawyers and judges. Read More
Q&A with Judge Allison H. Goddard
Judge Allison H. Goddard is a federal magistrate judge for the United States District Court for the Southern District of California. She joined the court on August 1, 2019. Before her appointment, Judge Goddard was known for her work representing employees and consumers in class actions. She also represented numerous patentholders in intellectual property disputes. Her trial resume includes several class actions, employment cases, and a patent infringement case. Judge Goddard earned the Outstanding Trial Lawyer Award in 2017 from Consumer Attorneys of San Diego for her work in a high-profile case against San Diego State University. She was named to the Daily Journal’s Top Women Lawyers List in 2018. Read the Q&A Here