Law Practice Management & Technology

Updates from Editor

It is an understatement to say that 2020 was a year of change. From parents and students adjusting to remote learning to employers pivoting to supporting remote workforces, to some degree, the global pandemic required all of us to confront new realities by embracing change. The legal industry was not immune from such change, and in 2020 members of the often-resistant to change legal industry witnessed the industry pivot from fighting technology-driven change solutions to rapidly embracing these such solutions.

Trials resumed remotely with litigators advocating before the court from remote offices or home lecterns. Once thought of needing to be present with deponents to read the non-verbal language, lawyers adjusted to conducting remote depositions, reducing the client costs, and saving legal teams hours in travel time. Instead of walking back and forth between conference rooms, mediators adjusted and toggled between virtual breakout rooms in their attempts to negotiate resolutions. It was a year that saw legal Luddites become legal technologists, and there is no turning back.

As we are well into 2021, the legal industry’s pivot to embracing change appears to have staying power. We hope that the Law Practice Management and Technology section serves as leaders and advocates for continuing this embracement of change within the California Lawyers Association.


Mark G. Griffin, Esq.
2021 Executive Committee Member, LPMT

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