Labor and Employment Law
Coming Next in the Labor and Employment Law Review
The September issue of our Section’s Labor & Employment Law Review will celebrate the 60th Anniversary of the enactment of FEHA. Current DFEH Director Kevin Kish provides an excellent overview in his article “FEHA at 60: Looking Back, Looking Forward.” DFEH’s Chief of Dispute Resolution, Annmarie Billotti (who is also a former member of the Section’s Executive Committee) adds an informative article titled “Did You Know DFEH Has a Dispute Resolution Division?”
Our last issue introduced “Fresh Perspectives,” a new column by Alex Stathopoulos that focuses on topics relevant to labor and employment attorneys in their first eight years of practice. The topic for the September issue is “Getting Involved in Mediations as an Early Practitioner.” Alex shares some of the things she has learned about how junior attorneys can add value at mediations. She also offers some perspectives from seasoned mediators on how early practitioners can contribute to a successful mediation.
And don’t miss Ramit Mizrahi’s final Message as Chair of the Section, in which she invites us to reflect deeply on our life choices and the sort of person we want to be going forward.
Submissions are always welcome! We encourage you to take a look at our Guidelines and Editorial Policy and to send us your well-researched articles for consideration.
MCLE CREDIT: If you’re looking for MCLE credits, consider self-study articles from the Law Review, available here for as low as $20 a credit: