Labor and Employment Law
Coming Next in the Labor and Employment Law Review
The upcoming November issue of our Section’s Labor & Employment Law Review leads off with an article entitled “Law Enforcement Labor Reform Proposals” by members of the Law Enforcement Study Group, which was formed after the 2020 George Floyd killing to study police reforms. This article addresses the group’s legislative proposals on law enforcement reforms through labor relations in California. The authors are Berkeley Law Professor Catherine Fisk, Hastings Law Emeritus Professor and former California Supreme Court Justice Joseph Grodin, Berkeley Law Distinguished Visitor and retired U.S. District Court Judge Thelton Henderson, retired Alameda County Superior Court Judge and mediator/arbitrator John True, former Department of Personnel Administration Director Ronald Yank, and Berkeley Law Lecturer and mediator/arbitrator Barry Winograd.
The Law Review further features an article by Andrea Dooley entitled “Evaluating ‘Work Out of Class’ Grievances in the Public Sector.” The article describes how arbitrators evaluate grievances that allege violations of “work out of class” or “assignment pay” provisions in collective bargaining agreements. With a focus on public sector cases, this lays out a framework for approaching a common contract dispute about which little has been written. Ms. Dooley is an arbitrator and principal of Andrea Dooley Arbitration.
In addition to the above, the issue features our usual case updates. Anthony Oncidi writes the California Employment Law Notes. Leonard Sansanowicz authors the Wage and Hour Case Notes. Jeff Boseley and Tyler Maffia pen the NLRA Case Notes. Kerianne Steele and new columnist Ann Surapruik co-author the Public Sector Case Notes. New columnist retired Judge Michael Marcus writes the Mediation Tips and Arbitration Tips column. Janine Braxton pens her Fresh Perspectives column. Phyllis Cheng authors her column on Cases Pending before the California Supreme Court. The Law Review also spotlights the CLA Labor and Employment Law Section’s new Executive Committee members. Finally, Latika Malkani shares her opening message and vision as new Section Chair of the 2021-22 year.
Submissions are always welcome! We encourage you to take a look at our Guidelines and Editorial Policy and to send us your well-researched articles for consideration.
MCLE CREDIT: If you’re looking for MCLE credits, consider self-study articles from the Law Review, available here for as low as $20 a credit: