California Lawyers Association, International Law and Immigration
Visit Prague With a Delegation from the CLA and Earn MCLE Credits, Too

In a first for CLA, the association will send a delegation to an international law conference hosted by the Bar of the Czech Republic in Prague Oct. 17-20.
The Czech-California Multi-Bar Delegate Law Conference is open to all CLA members and their guests. The program includes visits to the High Court of the Czech Republic, a local architecture tour, MCLE education and meetings with local judges, elected officials and lawyers from the Czech Republic and other European nations.
“It’s a full immersion experience in the law, the culture and the society,” said Alexandra Darraby, co-chair of CLA’s International Law Section. Darraby and ILS Executive Committee Member Josh Surowitz will serve as co-chairs of the CLA delegation to Prague.
Darraby said the idea for the law conference has been in the making for about three years, since she first met the leaders of the Czech Republic Bar at a legal function in New York City.
But neither group could have predicted that first the European Union and now California are adopting major privacy laws that will be the subject of education programs.
“We both can now learn how to mesh California’s privacy laws with the European Union and vice versa,” she said.
Coincidentally, the chair of CLA’s Intellectual Property Law Section, who has been invited to join the delegation, is married to a musician/composer who recently recorded in Prague, she said.
The deadline for early bird registration is April 30. Regular registration runs through Aug. 31. For more information, please contact Nikki Smith at