California Lawyers Association
Webinar & Meeting Guidelines
This document strives to give an overview of the webinar process and set a standard procedure for areas such as scheduling, client/facilitator interaction, and material retrieval. The goal is to not only carry out webinars as smoothly and efficiently as possible but to also represent the professionalism of the organizations providing the webinar.
A. Webinars
A webinar is a live presentation using a web link for real-time visual and audio. A PowerPoint/Slideshow presentation is mandatory. There are two different formats (“platforms”) for webinars.
The first platform is called a “native” platform in which no cameras are used; the presenter(s) speaks while the Power Point plays on the viewer’s screen. The second platform is called a “Go To Meeting” platform in which the presenter uses a camera and appears on the viewer’s screen.
There are several options for the Go To Meeting platform: 1) multiple presenters in different locations can be shown on split screens; 2) the Power Point can be on a split screen or provided as a download; 3) a video can be downloaded to play during the presentation.
Webinars usually run for one hour and are generally at lunchtime. The typical number of presenters is one to three, with two being the most common. The recommended maximum number of presenters is three. The presenters can be in different locations; each speaker needs only call in from any landline in a quiet location and be able to access the internet during the webinar.
A sample webinar instruction sheet to give to the presenters is attached.
- Scheduling and Notification All webinars are scheduled a minimum of one month in advance and the attached Webinar Submission Form must be submitted to the Association at least 30 days but no more than 90 days before the program. Webinar series may be submitted more than 90 days out. Because of the holiday season, and the number of webinars typically offered in January, all January webinars must be submitted no later than December 1st. The Association may also have blackout periods during which time webinars cannot be scheduled.
Note: Once a format has been chosen (native or Go To Meeting), it cannot be changed.
Webinar Series: Webinars can also be grouped together to form a series. Every webinar in a series must be submitted to the Association at the same time, with each part of the series properly numbered. Submitting the entire series at the same time allows the Section the opportunity to bundle the series together as a package at a discounted price should it choose to do so.
Currently the Association works with a company called InReach to put on the webinars. Once a webinar has been submitted to InReach via the Submission Form, a webinar folder is created for file storage and the event is added to InReach’s extensive Audiocast calendar. It is important to note that InReach’s capacity is 6 webinars per day and the date is subject to change if InReach is at capacity. With this being said, please try to provide a couple of date/time options when scheduling webinars.
Presenters of the webinar and the coordinating Section member (“Section contact”) are sent by InReach an initial email 3 weeks prior to the event date, notifying them of when the webinar will take place, the format the presentation needs to be in, and a tech call is scheduled with all presenters. Tech briefings are scheduled for one week prior to the live event to ensure process retention and to allow presenters one final time to make updates to their presentations. It is in this tech call that, among other things, the presenter introductions are reviewed. It is a good idea for the Section contact to participate in the tech call.
Ideally, the Section contact will moderate the webinar. If there is no moderator for the webinar, InReach will introduce the presenter.
- Coordinator/Presenter Interaction
The Association will send a CLE Speaker release to the speaker(s), which must be completed by each speaker and returned to the Association.
Presenters are expected to respond in a timely manner in order to adhere to the aforementioned schedule. If a response has yet to be received after InReach sends the initial email, a second email will be sent out the following week. From there, Section contacts will be notified and asked for involvement if contact with presenters has not been made one week prior to the webinar date.
Presenters will also be asked to give an alternate number as a way of maintaining contact in the event that technical issues occur during the live webinar.
It is important to confirm with the presenter(s) which platform is preferable (native or Go To Meeting) and advise the presenter(s) that the chosen platform cannot be changed. Some presenters are comfortable with technology and/or are willing to appear via camera and would like the Go To Meeting platform. Others may be more comfortable speaking while the Power Point is shown on the viewer’s screen and would prefer the native platform. It is important to discuss these two options with the presenters.
- Sending and Receiving Materials
All presentations must be sent in PowerPoint format (either .ppt or .pptx). PowerPoints sent as a PDF will not be accepted and presenters will be asked to resend. PowerPoints are also to be created and completed by the presenters. InReach and CLA staff does not create or design slides and/or make adjustments to presentations.
PowerPoint presentations are needed for BOTH tech briefings and webinars. Draft presentations are acceptable for tech briefings ONLY but a final version will need to be sent prior to the live event.
Final versions of PowerPoints must be sent at least 24 hours before the webinar takes place. Any changes made the day of the event WILL NOT be added until after the event has taken place and made available for the archive/On Demand product.
Presenter bios are included in additional materials. They must be sent prior to the event date. Any bios not received within the aforementioned time will be left out of the introduction.
The Power Point can serve as the written materials but other materials that are useful to the participant are encouraged such as articles, checklists, form pleadings, discovery, or correspondence.
The presenter must get permission from copyright holders to include third-party copyrighted materials in the Power Point and written materials, including third-party copyrighted materials found in websites.
Instructions for webinar replays: Webinars can be set up to be replayed on a certain date and time and marketed as such. The Webinar Replay Form provided by InReach must be completed by staff for all webinar replays.
Webinar Cancellation Policy: In the event a speaker cannot participate, the sponsoring section will make its best efforts to find a replacement.
B. Meetings
Meetings are live telephonic discussions. They can be used for virtually any purpose; e.g., host a speaker, hold an open forum discussion, roundtable, open-mic, or just to network with standing committee or Interest Group members. Depending on the nature of the event, CLE may or may not be available. If CLE is offered, written materials must be submitted to the Association at least two weeks before the day of the meeting. Currently, there is not a process to offer CLE for these telephonic meetings that meet the MCLE provider requirements but association staff is committed to look into possible technologies that allow for this type of CLE meeting that also comply with MCLE provider rules.
Meetings should use the conference call number that has been assigned to the Section. This call will not be monitored by the Association; the only moderator is the Section member running the meeting. Participants are responsible for muting and un-muting their calls. The Section can charge whatever price it likes or can offer the meeting for free.
C. Marketing
Webinars and meetings should be marketed by each Section’s e-newsletter, in social media, and, if possible and time permitting, the Section’s journal. The Association will send out e-mail notifications (e-blasts). Consider cross marketing with other Sections and CYLA.
Preferably webinars and meetings should be marketed a maximum of sixty days before the webinar or meeting. An exception is a series of webinars and meetings which can be marketed more than sixty days before the webinar or meeting.
D. Checklist/timeline
Four or more weeks before event date:
- Section contact will provide completed Webinar Submission Form to the Association at least 30 days before the webinar date.
- For webinars, the Association will contact InReach with Webinar Submission Form and event date/time options.
- InReach will confirm the event by adding a catalog entry for the event.
- The Association will give the presenter a CLE release to sign and return.
- Section designee will market webinar or meeting in the Section’s e- newsletter/journal and consider cross marketing with other Sections.
- The Association will begin marketing the webinar or meeting with e-blasts.
Three weeks before event date:
Webinars only:
- InReach will contact coordinators and presenters with an initial email
- Presenters will schedule a tech briefing for one week before the event
- Presenters or coordinators will submit a draft version of the PowerPoint, C.V., and materials for the scheduled tech briefing.
Two weeks before event date:
Meetings only
- Presenters or coordinators will submit written materials to the Association if CLE
is being offered in connection with the meeting.
One week before the event date:
Webinars only:- InReach will talk with the presenter(s) in preparation of their webinar
No later than 24 hours before event date:
Webinars only:- ALL final materials – PowerPoints, written materials, bios – must be submitted to InReach or they WILL NOT be incorporated into the live event
On Preparation for the Webinar
- Webinar is a live presentation using a web link for real-time visual and audio. A PowerPoint/Slideshow presentation is mandatory.
- You may choose between two different formats (“platforms”) for the webinar. The first platform is called a “native” platform in which no cameras are used; you speak while the Power Point plays on the viewer’s screen. The second platform is called a “Go To Meeting” platform in which you use a web camera and appear on the viewer’s screen. There are several options for the Go To Meeting platform: 1) multiple presenters in different locations can be shown on split screens; 2) the Power Point can be on a split screen or provided as a download; 3) a video can be downloaded to play during the presentation. Once a platform is chosen (either native or Go To Meeting), it cannot be changed.
- You will be provided with a CLE release to complete and return.
- The program is managed and webcasted by InReach Continuing Education Solutions.
- Once the Webinar is approved you will receive a notice from your Section contact, followed by an e-mail from InReach.
- You need to send your C.V., Power Point, and any additional written materials no less than three (3) weeks before your scheduled Webinar to your Section contact and InReach. The Power Point can serve as the written materials but you are encouraged to provide further written materials which will be useful to the registrants, such as articles, checklists, form pleadings, discovery or correspondence. You need permission from the copyright holders for all materials used in the presentation, including the Power Point and third-party copyrighted materials found on websites.
- At least one week before the actual Webinar a practice tech session will be held with InReach.
- You need to contact your Section contact no later than 7 days before your Webinar if you have not received an email from InReach or your Section contact re the practice tech session.
On the Webinar Day:
You should be ready to call at or around a half hour, but no later than 15 minutes before the scheduled meeting time, to the special number which will be provided to you and will connect you to InReach for the webcast.
- If there is more than one Speaker, you may speak from the same or different locations (depending on the shared materials you will be using) regardless of the chosen platform.
- A landline is required but please have your smartphone as an alternative to the land-line (on occasions the land-line may be interrupted and use of an alternative is needed).
- Use a headset microphone or speaker if you prefer.
- At the start of the Webinar, the Moderator (if any) will be introduced by one of the InReach colleagues.
- The Moderator will introduce the speakers. If there is no Moderator, InReach will introduce you.
- During the webcast, the PowerPoints may be controlled by you or a colleague from InReach.
- Plan to speak no less than 60 minutes (per the State Bar’s requirement for one hour CLE credit). A few minutes over 1 hour is OK.
- You may answer the questions on the air or later via e-mail (depending how the time goes).
- You need to divide your time according to the number of your Slides. The following plan of action is suggested:
– 10 minute introduction
– 45 minutes main topic
– 5 minute Q&A
On Improving Your Webinar
- A picture of the Moderator and the Speaker(s) should be inserted at the very beginning of the Power Point. This will help the audience see the faces while being introduced.
Further Questions:
Please address to your Section contact