California Lawyers Association
CLA Assisting Consumers With Healthcare Directives

The Health Law Committee of the CLA’s Business Law Section is partnering with other nonprofits on a daylong event aimed at informing seniors and low-income individuals about the importance of advanced healthcare directives.
According to Monique D. Jewett-Brewster, chair of the BLS Executive Committee, the event provides an opportunity for those without easy access to attorneys to connect to multiple healthcare resources in one location. A date and location for the event are to be determined.
The BLS Health Care Committee is partnering with the California Minority Counsel Program Ambassadors Council, Children’s Hospital of Orange County and Bet Tzedek Legal Aid Foundation.
In the morning, attorneys and student volunteers will receive training and Minimum Continuing Legal Education credit on providing advanced directives. There will also be an attorney networking lunch before the public arrives for the four-hour afternoon Health Fair.
“Our goal is to have these individuals each leave the fair with a notarized, valid advanced directive,” Jewett-Brewster said. Other potential sponsors will provide free health screenings, free samples from health care companies and information about healthy eating and food options.