California Lawyers Association

2021 CLA Virtual Annual Meeting Call for Education Program Proposals

The Programs Committee of the California Lawyers Association requests education program proposals for the 2021 CLA Virtual Annual Meeting, Thursday-Saturday September 23-25, 2021. CLA is seeking exciting and innovative programs to attract our statewide membership, along with students and others in the legal pipeline. Held virtually again in 2021, this event will bring together attorneys across the legal profession, including those affiliated with CLA sections and committees, as well as others. The virtual Annual Meeting provides programs designed to address the education and networking needs of all attorneys throughout the State. The agenda will also include physical at home activities, networking events, a 3D Exhibit hall and a sponsorship showcase with products and services.

What is hot in 2021? Individuals, CLA Sections/Committees as well as organizations are encouraged to submit proposals for Annual Meeting programming. The final number of programs to be offered has not been determined; in 2020, the Annual Meeting included 24 programs, along with keynote speakers, networking and other activities. See the 2020 Schedule at a Glance here.

The Programs Committee will select from the proposals provided, and may also combine or otherwise modify proposals and or speakers to meet Annual Meeting goals and adjust to time and programming constraints.

CLA Diversity Commitment: CLA’s Model Diversity Policy applies to programs/panels at the Annual Meeting. Please read the model policy and design your proposal accordingly.

When reviewing proposals, the Programs Committee will consider the extent to which the proposal:

  • Is timely/valuable to attorneys in today’s practice of law.
  • Would draw a high level of interest from attorneys in more than one practice area.
  • Involves collaboration between multiple sections/committees/groups or across practice areas/content.
  • Provides useful law practice management and other related skills.
  • Promotes health and wellness of attorneys.
  • Includes new and diverse speakers that have not previously presented CLA programs.
  • Attempts to address equity issues that arise among attorneys in a meaningful or new way.
  • Provides more difficult to find MCLE credits.
  • Avoids multiple speakers from the same law office/gives the appearance of law office preference.


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