Business Law
Upcoming Presentation: Differences in Organizational Structures of Religious Organizations
The Nonprofit Organizations Committee is pleased to announce our upcoming presentation:
Differences in Organizational Structures of Religious Organizations
October 16, 2024 at 10:00 a.m.
Please join the Nonprofit Organizations Committee for a program on the topic: Differences in Organizational Structures of Religious Organizations, to be presented by Lisa A. Runquist. Topics covered will include:
- Basic structures: hierarchical, congregational and ecclesiastical
- Benefits and problems from each of these structures
- Concept of succession with local churches
Lisa A. Runquist has over 45 years as a transactional lawyer, both with nonprofit organizations (public benefit, mutual benefit and religious corporations, unincorporated associations, limited liability companies, trusts) and business organizations (corporations, partnerships, limited partnerships and limited liability companies). She is skilled in forming, maintaining, merging and dissolving organizations, writing contracts, negotiating, dealing with regulatory agencies, drafting securities offerings, advising clients, analyzing problems, and constructing solutions. Lisa has a working knowledge of franchise law, intellectual property law, employment law, tax law, and constitutional law (first amendment). Lisa periodically serves as an expert witness in cases involving nonprofits. She has served as a court appointed receiver in a securities fraud case, at the request of the California Department of Corporations. She is experienced in drafting legislation. Lisa has served as Adjunct Professor of Law at Trinity Law School, and as Adjunct Professor at Shiloh University. She was appointed by the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability to serve on the Panel of Legal Experts for the Commission on Accountability and Policy for Religious Organizations (2011-2014). The commission has reviewed and provided input to Congress on major accountability and policy issues affecting religious and other nonprofit organizations.
*This program has been approved for 1 hour of MCLE credit by the California Community Foundation. The California Lawyers Association is not the provider of this MCLE credit.
Following the presentation, the Nonprofit Organizations Committee will continue our regular meeting with announcements, updates, and discussion topics of interest to nonprofit organization attorneys.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 873 5927 7440
Passcode: 432156
We will have BOTH audio and video on Zoom for this meeting. If you prefer to get audio by phone, call 1 669-900 6833, and enter the meeting ID above. For phone instructions for Zoom, see Written materials are being sent separately.
For more information about the Nonprofit Organizations Committee and its programs, please contact Committee Chair Louis E. Michelson (
Know someone who would like to receive our E-bulletins? Anyone interested may sign up on the website of the California Lawyers Association.
Become an official member of the Nonprofit Organizations Committee! The CLA Business Law Section is accepting applications online here. Applicants must be Business Law Section members who have been admitted to the California Bar for at least five years.
This e-bulletin was written by Louis E. Michelson, Chair.
Upcoming meeting dates:
- November 21, 2024, Charitable Pledges—Are They, Should They Be Enforceable and Other Considerations for Gift Agreements, Reynolds T. Cafferata
- December 19, 2024, Employee Benefits and Executive Compensation Issues for Not-for-Profit Organizations, Mark H. Hess.
- January 19, 2025, “Lobbying” is Not a Four-letter Word: Identifying and Dispelling Clients’ (Incorrect) Assumptions about Nonprofit Advocacy, Sara Matlin
- February 20, 2025, TBA