Business Law
Message from Everett L. Green, Chair of the Business Law Section
July 2022

Our members form the heart of the Business Law Section. Whether you are in your first year of membership, or your tenth, we remain focused on providing content and opportunities to ensure that you are engaged in the practice and development of business and commercial law.
To increase the opportunities for members to network with those of similar interests and to create more personalized experiences, we recently established issue-specific working groups. The cannabis working group welcomes professionals, regardless of area of practice, who wish to explore the evolving field of cannabis law and regulation. The cannabis working group welcomes professionals, regardless of area of practice, who wish to explore the evolving field of cannabis law and regulation.
In addition, we remain focused on collegiality, career growth, and providing up-to-date educational content. Each of the BLS’ sixteen standing committees continue to host virtual and hybrid events featuring state and federal regulators, judges, and thought leaders to stimulate interaction and discussion [insert link to Standing Committee Meetings below]. These events remain the best way for you to become involved in our growing community.
The BLS is more than just educational content. We care about our members’ mental health and well-being. I encourage you to participate in the events that are offered by the Health and Wellness Committee, including webinars focused on attorney mental health, Weathering the Pandemic and keeping Your Center Through the Crisis,
I would like to thank our dedicated members and volunteers whose passion, contributions, and energy have shaped and sustained our Section.
Everett L. Green
Chair, Business Law Section